Moonlit Revelations, 2022
I was sexually assaulted in my dorm room during my sophomore year in college. The morning after, I was alone, replaying what had happened, and thought oddly enough that I felt pretty okay, all things considered. I called my mom, told her what had happened, and she promptly set up a session (without me asking) with my therapist I spent high school with. I sat and waited at my desk for the call, looking aimlessly and thinking about how strange it all was. No evidence, no aftermath, no hysteria, panic, pain, resentment, anger, fear; just a feeling of almost comfort. It took another week before I remembered being at a summer camp and waking up to a hand trace across my sleeping bag. It took another month before I remembered a sleepover with two guys when I was in 6th grade. It all just felt normal.
This project contains nudity.